How Do I Become a Solar Power Engineer?

There are several paths to becoming a solar power engineer, but each one requires extensive formal education and work experience. To advance beyond the level of a solar technician, you’ll typically need training as an electrical engineer or a power systems engineer, which means you’ll approach the job from either an engineering design or a power systems standpoint. It may be necessary to have both skills in some situations.

A bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or engineering technology is required to become a solar power engineer through electrical engineering. Some jobs may require a master’s degree, but much depends on what you can learn through work experience. You should look for programs that focus on solar energy and photovoltaic technology for both degrees.

Working for a company that makes solar panels, technologies, and energy systems can teach you a lot about solar panels, technologies, and energy systems if you have an engineering degree, but having specific solar training as part of your engineering degree will help you land a solar-specific engineering job. Learning or having experience with specialized computer modeling software, such as AutoCAD, is also beneficial and sometimes required (Computer Aided Design). You may need to know a little about construction and local building codes to engineer and design complete systems.

If you want to work as a solar power engineer who operates or designs solar power plants or installs photovoltaic systems, there are a few different paths you can take. You could start as a solar technician and work your way up through the various employment and training levels, which range from fifth-class power engineer to first-class power engineer, or you could start as a power systems engineer and work your way up through the various employment and training levels, which range from fifth-class power engineer to first-class power engineer. As a power systems engineer, you should look for training in alternative and hybrid power technologies, preferably with a focus on photovoltaics.

Because power systems engineering training is extensive, you’ll almost certainly need to become familiar with every aspect of power generation, distribution, and transmission if you want to work as a solar power engineer. Alternative and renewable technologies are relatively new and limited in scope in most programs, with photovoltaic systems being just one of many. In many areas, finding a school that focuses solely on solar energy could be difficult. Some power engineering schools are more progressive than others, but if none are available in your area, you might be able to find training online.

Photovoltaic systems and technology are still evolving, and they are frequently combined with other systems, some of which are renewable and others which are not. Because solar technologies require a lot of nonrenewable fuels and materials to create and maintain, it’s beneficial to look at the job from a variety of perspectives. There are numerous career options available, whether you choose an engineering technology approach, a power systems approach, or a combination of the two. Most importantly, working in the solar industry is required to become a solar power engineer in any capacity. Reading up on the solar power industry and its various technologies, researching educational programs, and speaking with both industry professionals and educators are the best ways to get started.