How Do I Become a Training Consultant?

To become a training consultant, you must first spend a significant amount of time establishing a reputation for hard work in the industry in which you intend to provide consulting. It is possible that you will be required to become certified before offering your services to others, depending on where you intend to work and what type of industry you will serve. You can work as an independent consultant or look for an open training consultant position with an existing company after you have properly prepared to become a training consultant. If you already work for a company that employs consultants, inquire about becoming a training consultant with your current employer; some companies will train current employees for such a position.

A college degree may be required depending on the industry you wish to work in. Investigate the educational backgrounds of consultants in the field you want to work in, as well as any state or local requirements for consultants in your area. Determine whether any special licensing or certification is required to work as a training consultant, and put yourself in a position to obtain it right away. Even if no formal education or certification is required, attending various training workshops to improve your skill set and learn new ways to apply your talents as a training consultant is a good idea.

You may discover during your research that some training consultants do not have related college degrees and instead learned their consulting skills on the job. If you’re just starting out in your career and finding it difficult to break into your field through traditional employment, consider volunteering or interning to gain experience and skills. Working in ancillary jobs can also help you become a training consultant because you will learn about various aspects of an industry rather than focusing on a single career path. Working as a receptionist or file clerk at an insurance agency, for example, may be beneficial while you learn how the business operates and work your way up to a higher position if you plan to provide consultations to insurance sales executives.

If you’re already employed in the industry where you want to work as a training consultant, put your efforts into establishing a solid professional reputation. Make a concerted effort to network with others in your industry on a regular basis, and begin marketing your services to potential clients. Finding a mentor who is willing to assist you in becoming a training consultant can help you advance your career in a positive and efficient way.