How do I Become an Earth Science Teacher?

An earth science teacher is typically a middle or high school teacher with specialized training who teaches only earth science topics. Geology, meteorology, oceanography, and, surprisingly to some, astronomy are the most common branches of earth science covered in what are sometimes referred to as physical science courses. These could all be taught in the same class or in separate classes. Secondary school science teachers frequently teach biology, life sciences, chemistry, and physics in addition to science. A person is called an earth science teacher for a variety of reasons, including his educational background in earth science or the fact that he only teaches earth science classes.

A person who wants to become an earth science teacher and concentrate on teaching this subject should start in high school excelling in math and science. Because almost all teachers must have at least a bachelor’s degree to teach, having good all-around grades can help a person become an earth science teacher. Strong science and math skills are particularly important, and they may help students stand out when applying to schools with strong earth science programs.

A student interested in becoming an earth science teacher in college must choose a major. It’s possible that several options will be available. Students can become generalists studying all four major branches of earth science, or they can specialize in one. To become an earth science teacher in middle or high school, students should focus on the branches of geology and astronomy that receive the most attention in secondary schools.

The way a teaching credential is awarded varies region. People who want to teach earth science in many areas must complete a credentialing program after graduating from college. A program like this could last anywhere from a few months to several years. These programs may cover a wide range of topics related to how to become an effective teacher.

Some credential programs for people who want to teach earth science may also include the option of earning a master’s degree in the subject. This is a good option for those who want to teach at the community college level. Many primary and secondary school teachers’ unions do have mandatory higher pay for master’s degree-holding credentialed teachers.

Many people want to concentrate on teaching their area of expertise, which they may have limited opportunities to do in secondary school. Teaching in private schools, where the curriculum is more flexible, or working as an earth science tutor are two options. Alternatively, skipping a credential and obtaining a Master’s degree can open up more specific work opportunities at the community college level. These jobs may be easy to come in some areas, but they may be extremely competitive in others, with few teachers hired holding less than a doctorate.