Nearly all medical schools in the United States require students to take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT®), and many students will choose to take professional MCAT® preparation courses. The best MCAT® courses will be determined by a variety of factors, including course structure, time commitment, and cost. These courses are taught in a variety of formats and are available online or in classrooms. These courses are available from a variety of test preparation companies.
The setup and overall structure of MCAT® courses varies greatly. Some classes are heavily lecture-based and require participants to attend class several times per week, while others are heavily lecture-based and require participants to attend class several times per week. Those who are studying for the exam should think about how they learn best. For those who prefer to work alone, self-study courses may be the best option, while those who prefer more structured classes may benefit more from a lecture-based prep class.
Some people believe that courses with a lot of lecture and workshop components are better because they force students to stay on top of the material, give presentations, and turn in homework. Others appreciate the flexibility of self-study schedules, which allows them to customize their learning experience. Self-study students can spend more time on topics that they are unsure about rather than reviewing all topics equally.
Another important factor to consider when selecting the best MCAT® courses is the amount of time required. Classes will range from completely self-study with no visible time commitment to intensive preparation that requires a full-time commitment. Most people studying for the MCAT® will devote between five and twenty hours per week to their studies. Because courses that offer too much or too little class time will not be an ideal fit, it’s important to consider other time commitments and how frequently you can attend class, complete assignments, or take practice exams.
For many students, cost is the most important consideration when selecting the best MCAT® prep class. Depending on the method of instruction, the length of the course, and the number of practice MCAT® exams available, different MCAT® courses will cost different amounts. Self-study classes are typically the most affordable, with costs for study books, CDs, and practice exams typically totaling well under $1,000 USD (USD). In general, online self-study classes will be slightly more expensive. Lecture-based classes, on the other hand, can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $7,500 for intensive seasonal prep classes.