How do I Earn a Music PhD?

The most advanced music degree a person can earn from a higher education institution is a music Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). You can pursue a PhD in music theory, music education, or composition, depending on the schools that interest you; many schools also offer doctoral degrees in music performance. The requirements for a PhD in music will most likely vary depending on the school where you choose to pursue your degree. To get started, you’ll usually need to complete secondary school or obtain a general educational development (GED) diploma. Then you’ll probably need to get a bachelor’s degree in music or a related field, and some PhD programs also require master’s degrees.

Before applying to their undergraduate programs, most colleges and universities require applicants to have completed secondary school. Taking music classes and studying subjects like music history while in high school, or even before, may be beneficial. Learning to read music can also help you prepare. A high grade point average and involvement in extracurricular activities may also help you gain admission to the college of your choice. If you don’t finish high school, you’ll almost certainly need to get a GED or other similar credential before applying to colleges.

If you want to get a PhD in music, you’ll need to do well in college. To be accepted into a music PhD program, you’ll typically need a high grade point average, official transcripts, exam scores, and letters of recommendation. Before applying for a PhD program, some programs may require you to complete a master’s degree program in music. As a result, while still in undergraduate school, you may benefit from researching requirements for music PhD programs that interest you. You’ll be able to tell whether you’ll need to apply for a master’s program before applying for a music PhD program this way.

Many music PhD programs will require additional documentation or proof of your ability to succeed in the program. For example, you might be asked to write one or two papers with a musical theme. For some programs, you may even be required to audition. Once you’ve been accepted, you’ll usually have to take a combination of required and elective courses. To obtain a music PhD, you may be required to take exams and write a doctoral dissertation or complete another major project.