How do I get Postdoctoral Funding?

Postdoctoral funding is an important part of an academic’s career. This funding allows a postdoc to conduct additional research on a topic related to his or her specialty for a set period of time. It also gives postdocs the opportunity to hone their skills. Another reason that PhD holders seek postdoctoral funding is that some universities now require postdoctoral research for anyone seeking a faculty position.

Applying for a postdoctoral position at a university is one of the best ways to get postdoctoral funding. Postdoctoral research associates, for example, are given funding to finish their own research or collaborate on research with others. The terms postdoctoral research associate, postdoctoral research assistant, and postdoctoral research fellow are frequently used interchangeably.

You must, of course, have completed your doctoral studies in order to be eligible for a position that provides postdoctoral research funding. There may be additional requirements for the position depending on the university or universities to which you apply. Teaching experience may be one of these requirements, as some universities may require you to split your time between research and instruction.

Outside of university appointments, there are also postdoctoral funding opportunities. The Fulbright Fellowship, sponsored by the United States Department of State, is a well-known postdoctoral fellowship. Fulbright fellowships are available to both citizens and non-citizens of the United States.

There are a variety of organizations that provide postdoctoral funding outside of academia. These organizations provide funding for a wide range of projects. Individuals studying astronomy and astrophysics, chemical sciences, mathematics, atmospheric sciences, biological informatics, and studies related to our planet’s polar regions, for example, can apply for postdoctoral funding from the National Science Foundation in the United States. Another example is the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, which provides postdoctoral funding to public policy researchers.

The National Research Council, the White House, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Council on Education, the American Physical Society, the American Political Science Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Sociological Association, the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, and the National Research Council are among the organizations that provide postdoctoral funding. This isn’t a complete list. Rather, it serves as a reminder of the many fields in which postdoctoral funding is available.