How Do I Receive an Honorary Doctorate?

An honorary doctorate is usually given to someone who has made significant contributions in a field that is important to the university or as a token of gratitude for assistance and support. This type of degree is not given for academic achievement and does not imply that the recipient has attended the institution conferring the honorary doctorate. This type of honor is frequently bestowed upon public figures, entertainers, and major donors. Anyone interested in receiving an honorary doctorate should strive for greatness in a specific field or become a devoted supporter of a school.

The exact meaning of an honorary doctorate varies depending on the recipient. In many cases, these degrees are merely tokens of esteem rather than indicators of academic achievement. Some recipients, on the other hand, are given this honor as a result of specific academic or scientific work that they have completed. For example, a great poet might be awarded an honorary doctorate in literature, with the understanding that this degree was a true testament to his or her intellectual prowess.

An honorary doctorate is given to a person in order to elevate their status and strengthen the bond between a school and the person receiving the honorary degree. This type of degree is frequently awarded to prominent public figures with a history of community service. Celebrities are frequently awarded this type of degree, and in exchange, they agree to associate their names with the awarding university or to speak at one or more events on campus, such as commencement, in order to boost the university’s prestige.

Public figures whose work and achievements align with the awarding school’s academic and social mission statements are typically chosen schools offering an honorary doctorate for achievement or to build an association. A great blues performer is far more likely than a prominent microbiologist to receive a degree from a music school. In turn, a prestigious law school is less likely to honor a blues musician than a prominent jurist.

Honorary degrees are also used universities to recognize and reward important supporters. An honorary doctorate degree is one way for a school to recognize the support of a generous benefactor or a stalwart legislative supporter of the school’s endowment or mission. A school will often try to select an award that is appropriate for the specific field of endeavor in which a particular benefactor has achieved greatness when awarding this type of degree, but this is not always possible. Contributions to and support for a specific school do not guarantee an award, but they do increase the likelihood.