What are the Different Dump Truck Driver Jobs?

Dump truck driver jobs may appear to be self-evident. The primary responsibility of the position is to operate a dump truck. It isn’t quite that simple, though. Being a safe and effective dump truck driver necessitates skill and training.

Dump trucks are used in a variety of industries, including engineering, mining, and construction. There are jobs available for on-road and off-road dump truck drivers, as well as different types of trucks and loads. The requirements for each of these dump truck driver jobs are different.

In most areas, a commercial driver’s license is required in order to be hired as a dump truck driver. Special endorsements on a driver’s license may be required for certain types of trucks and various loads that must be hauled. In some cases, prior experience with dump trucks may be required in order to be hired for dump truck driver jobs.

The type of truck used is influenced by weight and axle limits. Only a certain amount of weight per load can be carried for the safety and protection of roads and bridges. Larger or additional trailers – and thus more axles – may be used to spread the weight more effectively.

Operating what is known as the end dump is probably the most common type of dump truck driver job. The front end of this vehicle is equipped with a compartment or “bed” that is lifted, allowing the load to move downward to the back end and then out through the opened tailgate.

The belly dump truck is exactly what it says on the tin. It has a center compartment, the belly, for storing materials. The material passes through the opening at the bottom of this compartment.

Instead of piles, this truck allows for easier composition of “windrows” or rows of material. The material is unloaded in a more controlled manner, and the load can be released as the truck moves forward slowly, evenly spreading the load rather than depositing it in a single large pile. This system may be safer because there is less chance of the truck tipping over if the material is unloaded too quickly and the bed scraping the ground.

Some of these characteristics are also shared by the side dump. When unloading is properly paced, it is less likely to tip, and materials are distributed more evenly. This type of truck’s dump bed can be tipped to the right or left, resulting in a longer, more spread-out pile than an end dump. Each of these dump truck driver jobs necessitates a different approach to training.