What Are the Different Types of Architectural Technologist Jobs?

Architectural technologists work for a variety of companies that oversee the construction of new structures, such as architectural or engineering firms and construction firms. In order to ensure that an architectural design is structurally sound, these professionals collaborate closely with both the architectural design team and the construction team. Two of the most common architectural technologist jobs are supervising new construction projects and assessing the structural integrity of existing structures.

Work on new buildings is one of the most common types of architectural technologist jobs. Technologists who work on new projects ensure that a building is built to code and are frequently found on the job site with the construction crew. For technologists in these positions, knowledge of construction and environmental regulations is required, as they must ensure that construction teams follow local laws and regulations. These types of architectural technologists may also be responsible for determining whether the building is structurally sound at all stages of construction.

At construction sites, architectural technologists are also in charge of overseeing other aspects of the project. Technologists in this position may ensure that a project is built according to the design. If problems arise and the design must be changed, the technologist may decide how to redesign the building or consult with designers and engineers before proceeding with the project.

Though the majority of architectural technologists’ jobs are focused on the construction of new structures, some work with existing structures. These experts may examine a structure to see if it is structurally sound and in compliance with environmental regulations. If it isn’t, the technologist may be called in to figure out what’s wrong.

Architectural firms are another place to look for jobs as an architectural technologist. In these settings, professionals frequently work directly with clients to help develop a new project. In an architectural firm, a technologist may act as a go-between to bring together the ideas of a client, a designing architect, and an engineer. Engineering and construction firms have jobs that are similar to those of architectural technologists.

Many architectural technologists work for large corporations, but there are also those who work on their own. These technologists may work as part of a team with designers and engineers, or they may have in-depth knowledge of these fields, obviating the need for a support team. Architectural technologists who work for themselves do the same work as those who work for firms, and they can design buildings for clients or supervise construction sites.