What are the Different Types of Exterminating Services?

Many exterminating services specialize in the removal of pests from all major pest groups, while others only remove pests from specific groups. If pests are not removed from a home or business, serious structural damage can occur, and the structure may eventually be destroyed. Another reason to have pests removed is that they can spread diseases through bites and stings, as well as contamination of feces and urine.

Insects are the most common pests that exterminating services remove. Exterminating services are commonly used to get rid of carpenter ants and cockroaches. Because of their ability to sting, bees and spiders may also need to be eradicated. When a homeowner discovers a large number of insect carcasses on windowsills and in shelf crevices, extermination may be required to eliminate the infestation.

Termite colonies may take over in the spring and cause permanent damage to a structure. Termites build mud tunnels to use as shelter and to move around through the wood part of a structure, which a homeowner may discover. He or she may also notice sawdust-like grains, which indicate that a section of the nearby wood has been hollowed out. In such cases, the homeowner will almost certainly need to hire exterminators to save the structure.

Rat and, more commonly, mouse infestations are also dealt with by exterminating services. Some of them also get rid of wildlife pests like opossums, raccoons, and bats from homes, industrial sites, and outlying buildings. These animals can make their homes in the crevices of buildings. The majority of these larger pests will chew on anything, including furniture and electrical wiring.

Pests that are larger in size can pose a serious health risk. Rock rats’ feces and urine contain germs that can cause diseases as serious as the bubonic plague in humans. If opossums, raccoons, or bats bite people living or working in a structure, they risk contracting rabies, a serious disease that requires a series of painful shots. Ticks can be carried by some of these pests. If a human is bitten by a tick, he or she may contract Lyme disease.

When exterminating services are required, it is a good idea to shop around to ensure that a company is trustworthy and reliable. Any company that claims to be able to eliminate your pest problem permanently with just one treatment could be a fly-by-night operation, as pest infestations are very likely to recur if preventative measures are not taken on a regular basis. A homeowner can check out any extermination services company they’re considering with their local Better Business Bureau, and they can always ask for references from the companies they’re considering. A reputable company will usually provide a written contract for ongoing preventive pest control services and back up its work with a guarantee. Liability insurance is typically carried by the better exterminating companies to cover any damage they may cause to your property during their work.