What Are the Pros and Cons of Taking Percussion Lessons?

The benefits and drawbacks of taking percussion lessons are based on the cost and effort involved in the lessons versus the value of what the student will learn. Drummers and percussionists, like all musicians, must consider whether or not to pursue formal training in their chosen fields. Consider all of the advantages and disadvantages of percussion instruction before making a decision about whether to join a band or orchestra, or pursue other musical goals.

The cost of percussion lessons is one of the most significant disadvantages. Individualized percussion instruction from a skilled, experienced percussionist can be costly. There’s also the issue of finding qualified drum teachers in your neighborhood. Outside of major cities, finding a skilled percussion teacher can be nearly impossible due to percussion’s relative obscurity in the general music world.

The need for a specialized teacher, combined with a general lack of drum teachers, can drive up the costs of this type of education. Many students travel from all over the world for percussion lessons, which is usually prohibitively expensive. Online classes can be a good alternative, but the quality of these classes is debatable.

Some of the advantages of drum or percussion lessons have to do with the student’s specific goals. When it comes to mastering a specific type of drum, even online lessons, if they are the right kind of lessons, can be extremely beneficial. A student can gain proficiency on a specific percussion instrument with specialized instruction.

Another advantage of taking drum lessons is that they can introduce a student to more advanced percussion and timing techniques. Drummers in some parts of the world may prefer a simple, straightforward beat, whereas local percussive cultures have developed extremely advanced and complex timings in other areas. A beginner will often want to take formal lessons to understand the more obscure and challenging aspects of percussion theory, and then build on those skills to become a more well-rounded drummer.

Percussion lessons can also be used as a form of certification. Formal instruction may be accepted school or university music departments as proof of a drummer’s abilities. These kinds of credentials could be useful in a variety of other niche areas of the music industry, such as eligibility to participate in master classes.