What Do Abatement Contractors Do?

Abatement contractors are trained professionals who work with hazardous materials and help clients improve their properties containing or removing them. At properties where various substances may pose a threat to residents, visitors, or others, different types of abatement contractors are required. Qualified abatement contractors have the skills and equipment needed to contain or eliminate these threats while adhering to all hazardous material laws.

Lead abatement contractors and asbestos abatement contractors are two types of abatement contractors. Contractors who specialize in lead abatement work with lead paint wherever it is found. They may work to remove a layer of lead paint from the entire exterior or interior of a property or housing unit, or they may focus on a specific area of the property. Asbestos abatement contractors work with this potentially dangerous fiber in all areas of a building or property, including sealing materials, flooring, pipes, and other areas.

Other types of hazardous material contractors, in addition to lead and asbestos contractors, are popular for residential and commercial properties. One of these is a mold abatement contractor, who is in charge of removing mold that is toxic or devaluing. Other types of contractors are also available who are experienced in dealing with invasive plant species and other elements.

An abatement contractor follows all applicable regulations, such as those set forth the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States and others that govern the transportation of hazardous materials. OSHA is in charge of regulating workplace health hazards. Contractors hired to deal with specific hazards may be required to follow specific laws; for example, asbestos removalists must adhere to the principles of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). These contractors must know how to keep their clients safe while also protecting their workers’ health.

Abatement contractors play a critical role in a wide range of renovation projects and maintenance initiatives. Any time a hazardous substance needs to be handled, it’s critical to have an experienced and qualified person on hand to assist with disposal or other risk management. Lead, asbestos, and other threat contractors help keep living spaces and other buildings free of toxins that can cause chronic medical conditions and harm occupants and visitors. Those who hire these shops should make sure that they have the necessary state or federal licenses for dealing with the materials in question.