What Does a Tea Specialist Do?

Tea has been touted as a miracle cure and the most powerful health drink ever both men and women for centuries. Despite the accolades, for many people, a cup of tea is simply a relaxing way to start or end the day, or a soothing family ritual. Tea specialists, also known as certified tea specialists, are a subset of experts who take their enjoyment of tea to the next level. A tea specialist is someone who has studied the history of tea, how to make tea, the various types of tea, and the various methods of tea production and processing. Tea specialists pursuing certification must also learn the characteristics of different tea types, as well as how tea plants are grown and where tea plantations harvest the leaves.

The Tea Association of the USA’s Specialty Tea Institute teaches all of the above information in just the first level of a three-level certification process. The second level teaches about blending different types of teas, tea flavors and scents, and the method for grading tea leaves. The third level consists of five categories of instruction: black tea, white and pu’erh tea, oolong tea, green tea, and sensory evaluation.

In the tea world, tea specialists are a relatively new and elite group. In 2009, there were only about a half-dozen certified tea specialists on the planet. Their numbers are increasing as tea becomes more popular around the world.

A tea expert is also skilled in the art of cupping tea, which involves comparing a number of different teas in one sitting. The tea expert has honed his ability to assess the flavor, quality, and color of tea. The taster uses a scale to ensure that each type of tea is made with the same amount of tea. Instead of drinking directly from a cup, some experts prefer to taste with spoons. The various tea types must be steeped for a specific amount of time.

A tea expert can teach others about tea with authority. Lessons may include preferred food and tea pairings, etiquette, serving the beverage, preparing it, and properly storing it to keep it fresh and preserve its flavor. Some tea experts counsel hotels on their tea selections, as well as prospective tea shop owners on how to select teas for their menus.