What Does a Chemistry Lab Technician Do?

A chemistry lab technician aids chemists in the planning, execution, and documentation of various lab experiments. Technicians have received extensive formal education and training in their field, and they are well-versed in the finer points of proper technique. To produce accurate results, they use sophisticated equipment and perform complex math equations. A chemistry lab technician might work for a university, a private research lab, or a chemical manufacturing plant’s research and development division.

The majority of chemistry lab technicians have a bachelor’s degree in chemistry or engineering, though some labs hire students who are still pursuing their degrees. To provide a technician with a fundamental understanding of chemical properties and reactions, extensive education is required. A technician must be well-versed in the periodic table, common ions and compounds, and the physical and chemical changes that occur during various experiments. Furthermore, future technicians can familiarize themselves with the equipment and procedures they will use in their future careers taking college chemistry lab classes.

A chemistry technician must be well-organized and meticulous. Even minor errors, such as miscalculating the amount of initial compounds or failing to heat a solution to the proper temperature, can taint the results of an experiment. Because many experiments entail handling and manipulating potentially hazardous chemicals, a technician must ensure that protocol and safety rules are followed at all times to avoid injury. The technician may need to wear gloves, protective goggles, and a thick lab coat, depending on the type of experiment. A technician’s job can be stressful at times, but most professionals find it fascinating and rewarding.

In most labs, technicians are in charge of the majority of the tasks involved in planning and conducting an experiment. A chemist may plan and supervise an experiment, but the actual hands-on work is usually done a chemistry lab technician. He or she cleans tables and equipment, gathers supplies, and prepares standard lab reports prior to a project. The technician carefully conducts the experiment, following the chemist’s instructions or personal guidance. He or she keeps track of observations and summarizes the final results.

A chemist may ask a chemistry lab technician to write an official document after thoroughly reviewing and checking the findings. To ensure that a paper presents accurate, easy-to-understand information, strong technical writing skills are required. The technician may also be involved in the process of submitting the paper for peer review and publication in science journals.