What Does a Clinical Application Specialist Do?

Clinical application specialists are the people in charge of the software that their companies use to track medical data. These people can work for hospitals or even companies that sell medical equipment. A person interested in working in this field should obtain a four-year bachelor’s degree in business administration or information systems, as well as an internship to gain practical experience. People who work in the clinical application field need to be good communicators and enjoy working with technology.

A clinical application specialist’s job is to make sure that a medical facility’s software is as up to date as possible. This type of professional works on computer program improvements as well as troubleshooting systems to identify technical issues that need to be addressed. As a result, these experts must be skilled at problem-solving and conversant in the jargon of computerized reports that display errors after tests are completed. They must also be able to provide ongoing support for computer users, patiently and promptly responding to a variety of technical requests.

People working in this field must also have excellent teaching abilities. They are in charge of not only installing computer software and hardware like printers, but also training employees on how to use the company’s computer systems most effectively. A clinical application specialist also provides expert advice to various organization employees on which new technological advancements on the market would best assist them in their daily activities.

In this field, it’s also crucial to keep up with current field knowledge. Continuing education courses offered colleges and universities allow clinical application specialists to keep their skills in health care industry software or business computer programs up to date. These specialists can also attend educational seminars held at their respective medical facilities. Before being hired, some health care facilities require these professionals to be certified in the company’s specific areas of expertise. Computer experts in the ophthalmic field, for example, must obtain certification in this specialty area from the appropriate professional association.

In this industry, strong interpersonal communication skills are also essential. A clinical application specialist must be able to work with software vendors to check on the status of program updates created to make new software compatible with older systems, for example. He or she also creates reports outlining his or her work and presents them to management when necessary.