What Does a Consumer Psychologist Do?

A consumer psychologist is a professional who studies and explains consumer purchasing habits, as well as other relevant consumer behaviors. This type of research is frequently experimental, and it may include focus groups as well as traditional psychological studies. A person with insight into consumer thoughts can sell this information to a variety of businesses and use it in advertising or even business architecture to increase profits. In order to maximize profits, a consumer psychologist typically consults with a variety of businesses rather than working with a single company.

Consumer psychology’s basic premise is that humans behave in predictable ways based on their culture, personal habits, and even human nature, and that exploiting these basic regularities can result in higher profits for a company. A consumer psychologist, for example, might advise a company to use an emotional appeal in an advertising campaign to persuade customers that they require something they didn’t realize they required. A consumer psychologist makes generalizations about a company’s customer base and tries to come up with ways to exploit their insecurities, desires, and social needs using psychoanalysis and other business fields.

In most cases, a consumer psychologist is tasked with conducting research and presenting a compelling case for a specific business strategy. In order to determine which advertising strategy will be most effective in any given situation, data about a specific customer base must be examined, as well as the target audience. A consumer psychologist’s psychological theories may differ significantly depending on his or her educational background, but it generally doesn’t matter which theory is used as long as the results are positive. Consumer psychology is more concerned with demonstrable profits than with theoretical accuracy.

A consumer psychologist’s daily responsibilities are determined how he or she works. Depending on the size of the office, the psychologist who runs an independent consulting firm may conduct research, brainstorm, and even perform office tasks. Working for yourself may result in higher profits and more professional freedom, but it also necessitates a greater level of marketing and business knowledge. As a result, many people believe that working for a consulting firm is a better way to get into this field.

The psychologist’s job may be very specific when working for an advertising firm or another company. Many companies hire people who specialize in this type of psychology to perform fairly isolated tasks rather than the entire process of research and analysis often performed consultants. A consumer psychologist’s job duties may be very different at various companies, and meeting employer expectations remaining adaptable is important in this field.