What does a Textbook Publisher do?

A textbook publisher oversees the entire process of creating an educational book. He or she is involved in all aspects of the business, including writing, editing, printing, and marketing. Many publishers specialize in specific areas of educational expertise in order to produce specific types of textbooks, but others cover a wide range of topics.

A textbook publisher is in charge of educational books that are used by students ranging from kindergarteners to doctoral candidates in their pursuit of knowledge. From math textbooks to science textbooks, history textbooks, and even medical textbooks, every school subject book has a publisher. Some publishers are in charge of a variety of topics, while others specialize in a single one. The number of areas of expertise is largely determined by the publishing house that funds the books’ production and how it manages its operations.

A textbook publisher must handle a variety of tasks to guide a book through the publishing process, regardless of the subjects covered. The most important job of a publisher is to handle the creative and academic aspects of book writing. A publisher assists the company’s editors in deciding what topics should be included and excluded from a particular book, much like a chief executive officer directs the company’s direction. The publisher then collaborates with editors and writers to create content that effectively communicates information to the target audience while remaining completely accurate. Illustrations, photos, and charts are common in textbooks, and the publisher works with the art department to arrange for their creation.

A textbook publisher’s main responsibility is to oversee the printing process. A publisher coordinates others to handle all of the printing, similar to how he or she does not do any of the actual editing or writing. A publishing house has a set budget for each project, with printing typically being the most expensive component. Understanding different paper options and binding techniques can help you save money while creating a textbook that will last for years.

A textbook publisher’s other major responsibilities include sales and marketing. After the book has been written and printed, the publisher works to promote the advantages of that textbook over others. A publisher assists the team in charge of selling these books to stores and schools in setting marketing goals and sales expectations. Each of these responsibilities of a textbook publisher is significant, but the challenge of being a publisher is juggling multiple tasks at once.