What Does a Content Specialist Do?

A content specialist works with a specific type of content, such as web or print text, curriculum, or any other type of content. This is a broad job category that encompasses a variety of occupations. A person in this position’s main responsibilities include maintaining content standards or evaluating it in other ways. These experts assist in the development of outreach and communication tools for a variety of businesses, as well as ensuring the quality of written content.

Web content is created, edited, and maintained some content specialists. Other responsibilities in this type of professional position include researching web visibility opportunities, such as linking, SEO, and ad-based strategies. Technical editing, whether for spelling, grammar, or clarity, as well as keyword or meta-tagging or anything else that helps to boost page views, may be part of a web content specialist’s job. They may also work with advanced web technologies or content generation systems.

In the field of education, there is also a common content specialist role. These specialists could be a subset of instructional coordinators who evaluate curriculum, according to the structure of a traditional educational job market. These professionals may be responsible for a variety of tasks, including collaborating with educational committees, focus groups, and other groups, as well as developing metrics for the effectiveness of educational content. This person may also help with fund-raising, outreach, or promotion of educational programs or institutions.

Other types of content specialists may work to maintain a company’s advertising or marketing content to a certain standard. This is frequently the case with a large e-commerce project or a significant web presence for a large company. Content specialists frequently work with “customer facing content,” which refers to the information that customers see when they interact with a company’s print or web materials. The specialist will frequently be a part of a company’s “face,” responsible for maintaining a professional tone and communicating with customers through effective, meaningful, and engaging content. Close collaboration with multiple business departments, as well as an assisting relationship with a top-level executive or senior staffer, may be required.