What does a Human Resources Manager do?

The primary responsibility of a human resources manager is to manage a company’s workforce, including hiring, firing, and interpersonal relations. He or she establishes policies and a framework for dealing with employees, acts as a point of contact for benefit questions, and is frequently called upon to resolve disputes or problems among employees. The HR manager may also be in charge of coordinating other human resources officers, assigning them tasks, and ensuring that they are on track with their work, depending on the size of the company.

Within a company, what is your role?

Employees are critical to the success of any company, big or small. Human resources managers are in charge of making sure the right people are hired, trained, and promoted. They are frequently included in major corporate decisions and are usually considered at the same level as executive officers. When it comes to determining a company’s trajectory, an HR manager’s knowledge of employee needs is frequently sought after.

The exact role of an HR manager must vary depending on the situation, and a manager’s job is typically tailored to the needs of the parent company. Managers at small Internet start-ups, for example, may spend the majority of their time recruiting the most qualified, technologically savvy employees, whereas the same person at a global corporation may be more concerned with ensuring that hiring and firing practices are compliant with the laws of every country where the company has a presence. But, at its core, any HR manager’s job is the same: to establish and enforce healthy employee-employer relationships.

Recruiting Responsibilities

Setting hiring and recruitment policies is one of the most important things a human resources manager does. He or she is usually in charge of writing job postings and advertisements when positions need to be filled, and he or she may also be in charge of creating new positions as needed. In most cases, the manager is the one who receives resumes and application materials.

Human resources managers are usually in charge of the company’s interview process, deciding how many candidates are invited to interview and what questions should be asked. However, the majority of the actual interviewing is delegated to others. The manager usually meets with the final candidates and has the final say in hiring decisions, but lower-level HR officers are usually in charge of narrowing down the pool.

Employee Interactions on a Day-to-Day Basis

An HR manager is in charge of a company’s benefits program, which may include health insurance and other perks such as subsidized child care or transportation vouchers. Negotiating with service providers and putting together competitive rate packages are common examples. Managers frequently organize training sessions to introduce employees to the various options available, and they must keep track of expenditures and claims. Keeping meticulous records is a must-have skill.

Personnel conflicts are also within the manager’s purview. Dealing with sexual harassment allegations, resolving personality conflicts, and investigating workplace disputes such as forced overtime are all part of the job.

Collaborate with other HR personnel

A human resources manager may be the only human resources officer on staff in very small businesses. Larger companies, on the other hand, usually hire this person to oversee an entire division. In these cases, the job may necessitate just as much oversight as the policy creation itself. Managers delegate tasks and projects to other HR officers while ensuring that everyone in the division is working toward the same objectives.

Training and experience are required.

HR managers almost always have a bachelor’s degree and several years of experience handling personnel issues when they start their jobs. Managers are frequently promoted from within the HR department. It’s rare for someone to become a human resources manager right out of college because, as with any senior-level position, experience is almost always required to do the job well.

Many of the most in-demand managers are also certified local or national HR organizations. Credentials are typically awarded as a result of additional training and convey a level of expertise that many employers value.