The script for a television show or movie is constantly changing during production to reflect necessary changes in tone or delivery, or to reduce the amount of time required to read the entire script. A script coordinator is someone who keeps track of these changes and makes the necessary changes to each version of the script. In many cases, the script coordinator will also annotate the script to help directors and actors navigate it more easily. This person will be in charge of any changes to the script, as well as acting as a liaison between the director and the writers.
Script clearance is one of the script coordinator’s first responsibilities. This means that the script coordinator will read each draft of the document carefully and make a note of any potential legal issues that the script may raise. For example, if the coordinator notices a brand name in the script, he or she will look into the brand name’s copyrights or trademarks to see if the script infringes on those copyrights or trademarks. If it does, either permission must be obtained or the script must be altered. Character and location names will also need to be checked to make sure they don’t correspond to real-life locations or people who might object to the name being used in the script.
One of the most important aspects of the script coordinator’s job is proofreading. After the writers have completed a draft, the script coordinator must proofread it for errors such as formatting, spelling, grammar, and other issues with the language’s form and function. The coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that all translations are accurate if the film or television show script includes any foreign languages. Depending on the stage of production, subsequent drafts of the script may be released to the writers only for further revisions, or they may be released to the director, actors, and other crew.
After the script has been revised and edited, the script coordinator must ensure that all cast and crew members who require scripts have received them in a timely manner. If there are new revisions, the coordinator must make sure they are delivered quickly so that actors can learn new lines and directors can make decisions based on the new script.