What Does a Technology Integration Specialist Do?

In an organization, a technology integration specialist takes on a leadership role. The expert makes suggestions for how technology can be used in conjunction with other work or learning methods to improve outcomes. Integration specialists are in charge of data application maintenance and troubleshooting. They may also assist clients testing, developing, or modifying programs.

A technology integration specialist’s job duties include assessing an organization’s work tasks and desired outcomes. The specialist works to integrate different software into the organization’s operations because he understands how it can improve the efficiency of those tasks and deliver acceptable performance. He may provide training and support for commercial or self-created applications that will be used the company’s employees.

A technology integration specialist working for a school district, for example, might be in charge of ensuring that software helps the school provide better learning materials. Several integration specialists who develop and maintain online learning platforms may be employed colleges and universities that deliver classes in an online format. Writing programs that facilitate assignment handoffs between students and professors, lecture delivery methods, and student discussion boards that simulate a live classroom environment may all be part of the design process.

A technology integration specialist who works in education may provide active support to students and teachers in addition to designing a software platform that mimics a physical classroom setting. With various functions, technical issues can arise from time to time. Due to programming errors, viruses, or periodic updates, students may be unable to upload or download certain documents. Access violations and ensuring that student or professor passwords and logins are working properly are also handled integration specialists.

In a corporate setting, a technology integration specialist may install new system platforms on individual computer workstations and conduct employee training sessions on the new systems. Integration specialists will almost certainly be in charge of assigning unique user ids and logins to various database management systems and password-protected enterprise software to various users. They’ll be on the lookout for functional gaps between the current applications in use and what the company wants to achieve with its work tasks.

In this vein, a project management software program may be redesigned or tweaked an integration specialist to accommodate a new function. A new function that allows users to automatically copy their supervisors on account level activity is an example of a new function. This eliminates the need for additional communication via software such as e-mail.