A greengrocer is a specialized retailer who specializes in plant products. In many countries, the term is used to refer to both the shopkeeper and the establishment. Most supplies were broken up into numerous shops before the advent of centralized grocery stores, which included a greengrocer’s, a baker’s and butcher’s, a dry goods store, and so on. Produce is still sold separately at a greengrocer in some parts of the world, or a greengrocery may open up to provide specialty produce to customers.
The term “grocer” dates back to 1255 and was originally used to describe someone who bought and sold in large quantities. It comes from the Latin word grossus, which means “large” or “great.” In urban areas, grocers began to operate, purchasing products in bulk from local producers such as farmers and selling them in a central location. Consumers used to buy goods directly from the manufacturer, at a collective market, or from roaming carts. Grocers revolutionized how people bought food and goods, and they quickly became ubiquitous, because they allowed producers to focus on creating a product while leaving the sale to others.
A greengrocer, as the name implies, specializes in “greens,” or produce and fresh fruit. A greengrocer’s products are usually sourced from several farmers or a central distributor. The majority of regional greengrocers buy directly from local farmers and only sell what is in season. Because the produce is usually fresh and delivered locally, it is of very high quality. In a small town with an all-purpose store and a greengrocer, the all-purpose store will typically carry a limited selection of produce, assuming that customers will go to the greengrocer for higher-quality items.
The traditional division of supplies between multiple stores is still practiced in some parts of the world. Each store has a dedicated owner and staff who specialize in a specific product, such as fish at a fishmonger or pastries at a baker. Because the staff is focused on providing one type of item rather than a broad assortment, the groceries purchased at these stores are thought to be of higher quality. Additionally, the stores are smaller, resulting in higher turnover and fresher goods. This is especially true in smaller towns in semi-rural areas, where residents are encouraged to walk and interact.
A produce vendor may refer to themselves as a greengrocer on occasion. Many restaurants and other establishments that prepare meals for large groups of people use a greengrocer as a source of produce. While some distributors provide general grocery delivery, ordering produce, meat, and dry goods separately is a common practice for obtaining higher-quality foods.