In some cases, hiring an outside organization to find and screen potential new non-governmental organization staff members may be necessary. However, due to financial constraints, many NGOs simply advertise available positions in the same manner as for-profit businesses, or they approach volunteers to see if any are interested in moving into a paid position. Many NGOs use media tools and awareness events to advertise a need for additional staff support when recruiting unpaid volunteers.
There are times when a non-governmental organization’s employee turnover rate is higher than normal, just as it is in many other business models. Many independent organizations find it beneficial to hire a professional recruiter to help solicit and screen potential staff members when looking for executive employees to work for high-profile civil society organizations, in particular. As a result, some recruiting firms specialize in the recruitment of non-profit organizations.
It is not always possible or necessary to hire a third-party organization to find suitable candidates for positions at non-governmental organizations. As a result, many non-profits simply post job openings in the same way that for-profit businesses do. NGO recruitment often attracts a large number of qualified employees by placing classified ads in local newspapers, national not-for-profit newsletters, and on Internet job sites.
Volunteers who donate their time to social organizations and other non-profit organizations are frequently sought after by NGOs. Because strong support for the organization’s mission, as well as a volunteer’s work ethic and effectiveness on the job, many people in charge of recruitment approach unpaid employees first in the hopes of finding people who are interested and available for open positions. Knowing that this is a common NGO recruitment method, many people volunteer to help specific organizations in the hopes of one day obtaining a permanent paid position with that organization.
Many organizations use traditional and new media tools to attract volunteers when recruiting for volunteer positions. Television and radio commercials, social media campaigns, and advertisements in various print publications are all examples of these tools. Special events aimed at raising awareness about a non-governmental organization’s cause are also a common tool used in NGO recruitment, as people who feel a connection to a cause are often motivated to lend support in the form of a charitable donation or volunteering.