What is the Difference Between a Court Reporter and Stenographer?

Although the terms court reporter and stenographer are frequently used interchangeably, there are several distinctions between the two. Both professions, in general, provide verbatim transcription services, which convert spoken dialogue into written legal documents. A court reporter, unlike a stenographer, often performs additional duties in addition to transcription and may work in settings other than a courtroom. Another distinction between the two occupations is that a court reporter requires formal education as well as licensing or certification, whereas stenographers do not.

Both a court reporter and a stenographer’s main job is to word-for-word transcribe a conversation that is taking place, such as during a meeting or a court hearing. The transcripts must be complete and accurate legal records that can be provided to the court or the general public. The dialog is transcribed in real time in some cases, while in others it is recorded using audio equipment and then written out later. A stenotype machine or a stenomask, which allows one to speak into a microphone and repeat the dialog for recording purposes, are frequently used to assist with transcription.

A court reporter differs from a stenographer in that a court reporter typically performs other tasks in addition to transcribing. Closed-captioning translations for the deaf population, notary services, and administrative tasks are all possibilities. He may also be called upon to organize and research information from court records, assist attorneys and judges, and administer oaths to witnesses.

In addition, unlike a stenographer, a court reporter may be able to work outside of the courtroom. Many of them work as independent contractors on a case-by-case basis. Working for a law firm, a government agency, or a television network, among other places, is also an option.

Another distinction between the two is the amount of education required. It takes two to four years of formal schooling to become a court reporter, and there are many schools and colleges around the world that offer the necessary courses. In addition, court reporting usually necessitates regional licensing or certification through the completion of an official exam.

A stenographer, on the other hand, requires only about six months of training. Although there are some places that offer voluntary certification, there is no requirement for licensing. Because this occupation requires less education, it typically pays less than a court reporter. Personal assistants are increasingly capable of performing the functions of a stenographer, so it is becoming less common than court reporting.