What is the Job Description of a Nurse’s Assistant?

In hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics, a nurse’s assistant, also known as a nursing assistant, is responsible for providing direct care to patients. He or she may assist patients in getting out of bed or being transported to different parts of the hospital. The majority of medical facilities demand that nursing assistants be certified.

Within the medical facility, a certified nurse’s assistant is responsible for a variety of tasks. Changing bedpans, pushing patients in wheelchairs, making beds, feeding, grooming, and other general tasks are just a few of the responsibilities that this person may be assigned. He or she might also take a look at the patient’s vital signs, such as blood pressure and temperature.

A high school diploma is required for employment as a nursing assistant. After that, he or she must enroll in an accredited program. These programs usually last six to twelve weeks. Students can enroll in nutrition, anatomy and physiology, infection control, and basic nursing skills courses at vocational schools and community colleges. Some medical facilities even provide free on-the-job training that leads to certification for medical assistants.

A nurse’s assistant should enjoy interacting with others and have excellent communication skills. These nursing professionals must be compassionate and skilled at providing comfort to those who are ill. Because they work closely with registered nurses (RNs), they must be able to follow orders from other medical professionals.

Because they are constantly caring for patients, they have more contact with them than other medical personnel in the facility. As a result, they frequently form genuine relationships with their patients. They are able to observe patients’ emotional, mental, and physical states in order to report any changes to nurses and physicians.

The job of a nursing assistant is physically demanding, as they are frequently required to perform numerous physical tasks. They spend the majority of their shift walking and standing. They may have to help patients into or out of bed on a daily basis, and because the job is physically demanding, they must learn how to lift patients properly. A person’s back can be injured if they do not use proper lifting techniques.

This job typically requires people to work 40 hours per week, including nights, weekends, and holidays. Some employees may be expected to work 10- to 12-hour days. Those interested in advancing their careers in medicine can pursue further education to become a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or a registered nurse (RN) (RN).