What Should I Write About in my College Essay?

It can be difficult to decide what to write about for your college essay, but there are a few general guidelines that can help you choose the best topic for you. Typically, you should start thinking about whatever question or topic is presented in the requirements for the college you want to attend. While this will usually give you a sense of direction for your paper, you will usually have a lot of control over the subject matter. Finally, your college essay should be about a subject that personally interests you or that you are passionate about, and it should say something about you and represent who you are.

A college essay is a written paper that is typically short and submitted as part of a college application. This can be one of the most important aspects of an application, and it can help you stand out from the crowd. The topic question presented to you the college should be one of your first considerations as you write your college essay.

These questions are frequently vague or broad, allowing you to go into great detail. One college may require you to write about a person who has had a significant impact on your life, while another may require you to write about your college goals or aspirations. Although some college essay questions may be more open, they will usually provide you with a general direction for your essay. This is a good place to start, and then you can start brainstorming and considering answers to the question.

Do not be disappointed if an idea for your college essay does not come to you right away. The brainstorming process can take several days to a few weeks. Allowing yourself the time you need to write a strong college essay can help you stand out from other, equally qualified applicants. Choose a subject that means something to you in a personal way, and try to use events from your own life rather than a generic situation or idea, if you want your essay to be unique and speak about you.

Regardless of what you write in your college essay, you should proofread it several times to ensure proper grammar and flow. Have other people read your essay, as many as you can, to help you spot any errors or issues you may have missed. Parents, teachers, and other students can all give you feedback on a paper, so don’t be afraid to let others help you edit and review it; however, the paper should still have your voice in it at the end.