How Do I Become a Level Designer?

If you want to work as a level designer in a video game, you should have a strong background in art and design, as well as the skills needed to create levels. While strong artistic abilities are not always required in level design, you should definitely consider developing them. Traditional artistic skills, as well as game development skills, such as modeling three-dimensional (3D) objects, texturing, and lighting, should be learned. You should also learn about scripting, which necessitates a knowledge of computer programming, and hone your skills with game editors, engines, and other platforms.

A level designer is a person who works for a video game company and creates the levels that players interact with during the game. Your artistic abilities should be one of the first things you work on if you want to be a level designer. Even if you aren’t a natural artist, you can improve your skills with a lot of practice and research, as well as classes in drawing and design in general. You could look into enrolling in an art or game design program at a university, but it is not required.

Once you’ve mastered these fundamental artistic skills, you can move on to learning the computer art skills required to become a level designer. While level designers and environmental artists are not always the same thing, many companies hire people to fill both roles. This means you’ll probably need to brush up on your 3D modeling, texturing, lighting, and animation skills. All of these artistic skills can help you better realize your own vision in games and make working as part of a team easier once you’re a level designer.

To become a level designer, you must develop the ability to script events within a game engine in addition to artistic ability. Scripting can be done in a variety of ways different engines, but it is most commonly done writing scripts using programming languages and techniques. To be able to script events in a game environment, you must learn about programming and understand basic programming skills. In fact, depending on the company you want to work for, your scripting skills may be more important than your artistic abilities.

After you’ve mastered these various abilities and skills, you should start putting together a portfolio to show off your work and aid your career as a level designer. Using a game editor for a popular computer game or a game engine that is provided for new developers who want to start working in game design is one of the best ways to do this. These programs allow you to create your own levels, demonstrating your abilities to potential employers. These levels can be made public online, which may attract the attention of potential employers already working in the game design industry; however, you should contact companies directly to inquire about opportunities to work as a level designer.