How Do I Become a Public Defender?

All public defenders are lawyers, which means that obtaining a law degree is the first step in becoming a public defender. Public defenders have a diverse range of academic backgrounds and specialties. What they have in common is a passion for criminal law, a desire to help the poor and underrepresented, and a desire to engage in active legal representation and litigation. Because public defenders have a high turnover rate in most areas, jobs are almost always available for those who qualify.

Indigent or otherwise low-income defendants can be guaranteed representation through public defender programs. These programs are frequently funded the government. Although the United States has one of the most robust public defender programs in the world, the public defender model is used to some extent in almost every country.

The requirements for becoming a public defender vary jurisdiction, but all candidates must be lawyers to be considered. This means that the first step toward becoming a public defender is to enroll in and complete law school. Law school is a three-year post-graduate program in the United States, whereas extended lawyer training programs are often entered directly after high school in parts of Europe.

Litigation strategy and criminal law interpretation make up the majority of a public defender’s work. Beyond basic legal education, there are no strict requirements for public defenders, but it is usually a good idea to take as many criminal law classes as possible in law school and look for opportunities to practice your trial skills. Mock trial competitions and moot court clubs are available at almost all law schools. Joining and competing in these groups on a regular basis can help you sharpen your litigation edge, making it easier for you to become a public defender.

While in law school, you should look into volunteer opportunities with public defenders’ offices or legal aid organizations in your community. Law students can intern or work as law clerks at many defense-oriented organizations. This can give you hands-on experience with the public defense process, as well as insight into the various types of public defender careers and opportunities to assist behind-the-scenes on a variety of cases. Although most of these positions pay little or nothing, the experience is invaluable if you are serious about becoming a public defender.

After earning your law degree, you must pass your jurisdiction’s bar exam or licensing exam. You can go to law school almost anywhere, but you’ll almost always have to take the bar exam in the jurisdiction where you want to work as a public defender. In the courts, public defenders apply local law. As a result, once you become a public defender, you must be licensed to practice law in the courts where you will be arguing.

Because the majority of public defenders work for the government, job openings are frequently posted on government or official court websites. Positions as a public defender with the government are frequently available; however, the pay is typically low and the hours are long, resulting in high turnover. At the entry level, however, little or no experience is usually required, and taking the job can be a great way to quickly gain a lot of experience.

Public defenders are frequently hired legal aid societies or public interest law organizations. Some of these charitable organizations will hire new attorneys, but many of them are looking for attorneys who have at least some criminal defense experience. In legal aid organizations, public defender responsibilities often include mounting more complex defenses, which usually involve appeals or retrials.