How Do I Become a Treasury Manager?

To become a treasury manager, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance and at least five years of experience working in a position that involves corporate cash and credit management. Treasury management is critical to a company’s success. A senior treasury manager with the dual title of senior vice president is employed by many large, multinational corporations. To advance to the level of treasury manager, you’ll typically need a master’s degree and additional experience managing cash in complex environments.

Treasury managers are in charge of a company’s cash reserves, credit obligations, and forecasting future cash requirements. The manager is in charge of making decisions such as issuing additional shares of stock to raise funds, investing excess cash in appropriate investment vehicles, and managing risk and insurance levels to ensure the company has the cash flow it requires for current and future operations, as well as being properly capitalized. To work as a treasury manager, you must have a strong understanding of corporate finance. To demonstrate that you understand the fundamentals, an employer will expect you to have a bachelor’s degree in finance or accounting.

To become a treasury manager, you must have at least five years of relevant experience. Work as an entry-level assistant in a corporate treasury department would qualify, but specific experience with corporate finance from a consultant perspective would likely suffice as well. A number of years spent working for an accounting firm or an investment bank that specializes in assisting corporations with initial public offerings, for example, could be considered relevant outside experience. Hands-on experience with how corporations raise, hold, manage, borrow, and invest money is crucial.

Treasury management positions come in a variety of levels. If you want to work at a senior level for a major corporation, you’ll almost certainly need an advanced degree as well as more experience. Master’s degrees in business administration and law degrees are popular advanced degrees. If you have a bachelor’s degree in accounting and are applying for a position as a public accountant, getting your certification will help your application. To advance to the highest level of treasury management, you must continue to study and work toward promotion and other career advancement opportunities.

There are several treasury trade associations around the world that provide certifications and opportunities for continuing education. After completing a certain number of continuing education hours and passing an exam, the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) in the United States awards the Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) credential. In the United Kingdom, the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) is a professional membership organization in which attaining each membership level denotes a certain level of professional competence. Joining a local treasury association and earning their highest level of certification for treasury professionals will also help your candidacy.