How do I Become an ENT Physician?

An ENT physician is a doctor who focuses on diseases of the ear, nose, and throat, as well as the head and neck in general. This specialty is also known as otolaryngology, but ENT is more commonly used among laypeople and is easier to pronounce. ENT doctors are board-certified physicians who have completed additional training requirements in their field of expertise. The amount of training required to become an ENT specialist varies country, so those considering this career path should check with medical schools or state otolaryngology licensing boards to learn more.

In the United States, an ENT physician must first complete a bachelor’s degree in college, usually in the sciences or pre-medical studies. They must then apply to medical school and take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). They will attend medical school for three to four years and receive hands-on training before taking the licensing exams. The licensed physician can then decide whether or not to specialize, and in the last year or so of medical school, they usually have a lot of opportunities to work in various specialties.

Those interested in becoming an ENT physician should apply to surgical programs that specialize in otolaryngology. A residency is an additional training program that takes four to five years to complete. To make things even more complicated, some people choose a subspecialty. ENT practice is divided into several subspecialties. Some doctors choose to work with children as pediatric ENTs, while others choose to specialize in facial reconstruction surgery or voice therapy; there are many options. After completing residencies and fellowships, subspecialties may extend training for several years.

It takes a long time to become an ENT physician. People can expect to spend at least 12 years in training, including undergraduate work. By adding a subspecialty, this time could easily be extended to 14 or 15 years. It can also be very expensive, and many people are forced to take out loans in order to complete their training. By the time they finish medical school and complete other training requirements, it is not uncommon for people who specialize in various medical fields to owe in excess of $100,000 US Dollars (USD) in student loans. Though some scholarships are available, they may only be awarded to a select few students, leaving the majority of students to find other ways to pay for college.

A person who wants to be a doctor does not have to decide whether or not they want to be an ENT physician right away. People may be attracted to one specialty over another for a variety of reasons. Otolaryngology practice can necessitate highly skilled and delicate surgical skills, and some people may be better suited to it than others due to their greater manual dexterity and ability to perform delicate work with their hands.