How do I Become an Entertainment Manager?

If you want to work as an entertainment manager, you’ll need to be well-versed in a variety of aspects of the industry. Read publications and websites devoted to the entertainment industry’s business, depending on what area of entertainment you’re interested in. For example, if you want to work in the music industry as an entertainment manager, you should read Billboard magazine. If you’re in college, consider taking a business management course. Enroll in a program that focuses on the management of entertainment.

You should not limit yourself to one area of expertise if you want to work in the entertainment industry. It’s in your best interest to gain knowledge in areas like sales and marketing, as well as customer service. Enroll in communications and media courses or programs. You can also benefit from a fine arts course. Brush up on your clerical skills, such as computer programming and file management.

Choose an undergraduate program in entertainment business management while in college. Music and drama have their own separate programs. If you’re not sure which path you want to take, become well-versed in all aspects of the entertainment industry.

If you want to manage a rock band, you should look into getting a bachelor’s degree in music management. Contacting your local radio station as you continue your education is a good idea. An internship program could provide you with the experience you’ll need in the future.

You’ll need good communication skills to work as an entertainment manager for an actor. You can also get more information by contacting a local actor’s union. Another organization with which you will need to be affiliated if you want to be taken seriously is the Screen Actors Guild.

Visit your local library to learn more about how the entertainment industry operates. Various talent agents and business managers who have handled the careers of famous celebrities have written books. Seek advice and direction from any and all sources you can. Attend screenings, plays, and productions to get a better understanding of the industry.

Practical experience is a plus. Inquire about employment opportunities with entertainment management agencies. You may have to work your way up to a desired position, but any exposure will help you gain experience.

Put in a few applications to talent and entertainment agencies once you’ve gained sufficient knowledge. If you don’t hear back right away, don’t get discouraged. You might not get the job you want right away, but with a little luck, determination, and effort, you’ll be able to get your foot in the door eventually.