How do I Earn a Neuropsychology PhD?

A neuropsychology PhD or other educational paths that provide necessary training in this field are available in a variety of ways. The process of obtaining the necessary training begins with the careful selection of an undergraduate major. Before being eligible for a majority of jobs, most people will complete supervised internships in addition to examinations and certifications, regardless of the type of training they receive.

There is a distinction between a PhD in psychology and a PhD in neuropsychology. Despite the fact that the two fields are related, the quickest way to work as a neuropsychologist is to obtain a degree in neuropsychology. Although some psychology PhD programs include a neuropsychology component, this is not the same as a neuropsychology focus and may not be as well received professionally. For those who already have a PhD in psychology, there is an alternative. There are a number of post-doctoral programs in neuropsychology that are less time consuming than a neuropsychology PhD but are just as valuable in terms of preparing for work in the field.

At the very least, people who want to pursue a PhD in neuropsychology will need an undergraduate degree, which does not have to be in psychology. Some students choose to major in pre-medicine or one of the life sciences, such as biology. Psychology is a good undergraduate degree choice as well, but students considering it should take some biology and anatomy courses because neuropsychologists need to understand the structure and function of the brain, which is studied in greater depth at the doctoral or post-doctoral level.

Some programs prefer students who have completed a master’s degree, but this is not always the case. There are a few master’s programs that focus on neuropsychology, but most positions in the field require a doctorate. If a master’s degree is required for a neuropsychology PhD, it is usually in a subject like psychology, and a master’s degree in neuropsychology isn’t always required.

Each school has its own set of requirements, but strong grades, good letters of recommendation, and a well-written personal statement are common. Many schools require GRE general and subject scores that demonstrate a high level of aptitude for the subject matter. Students applying to schools in countries where the native language is not English may be required to take language proficiency tests.

A neuropsychology PhD takes four to seven years to complete after acceptance into a program, and includes coursework, research, possible internships, and the presentation of a dissertation. This last section can take some time to complete, and it is only accepted if it meets certain quality standards after being reviewed faculty members. Students who pursue a PhD may still be required to complete internships or pass licensing exams, and many students also join professional associations to ensure that their studies and practice meet minimum standards. Being a member of one of these organizations may help you find work.