What are Common Sales Manager Interview Questions?

Some of the most common sales manager interview questions will center on a candidate’s management and sales experience in general. “What type of sales do you specialize in?” he might be asked. If the person is interviewing for a retail job, many of the questions will focus on his customer service experience.

Companies in need of a sales manager will want to hire someone who has prior sales experience. “How much experience do you have in selling?” is a common question asked during a job interview. This is to gain a better understanding of the person’s selling experience. He may also be questioned about his sales techniques and personal sales approach.

“What other retail sales management positions have you held?” is a common sales manager interview question in the retail industry. This will once again give the interviewer insight into whether or not his potential new manager has sufficient sales management experience. If the candidate has held other management positions that are unrelated to sales, the sales manager interview questions may differ slightly. He might be asked how his previous management positions relate to the job he’s applying for, and how he can apply his knowledge to his new position.

Another common sales manager interview question is, “What duties and responsibilities did you have in your previous sales manager job?” This could be to see how a candidate’s current job duties compare to the job for which he is applying. The hiring team may believe that the more familiar the candidate is with sales management procedures and practices, the better suited he is for the job.

The interviewer may also inquire about the candidate’s presentation abilities. Other questions about selling may inquire about experience in both inside and outside sales, as well as which is preferred. It’s possible that a candidate will be asked if he’s ever worked in a call center or done cold calling.

One of the most common sales manager interview questions is, “How many employees have you been responsible for managing at one time?” “Would you consider yourself a natural born leader who prefers to take command and control of a situation?” is another question that might be asked. “Do friends rely on you for advice in certain situations, or do you typically seek outside help and advice from your friends?” is another sales manager interview question.

If the interview is for a position in retail sales, one of the most important sales manager interview questions will almost certainly be about customer service. “How do you feel about providing excellent customer service and ensuring client satisfaction?” you might be asked. This is due to the fact that retail sales involve direct contact with customers in a variety of ways. A sales manager is frequently called upon to initiate practical solutions to a variety of customer service issues.