What Are the Different Types of Stevedore Jobs?

Jobs as a stevedore vary, but the most important responsibility in this line of work is the cargo and crew’s safety. Stevedores, also known as longshoremen, ship loaders, and dock workers, unload cargo from arriving ships and load ships before they depart. Large cranes and forklifts are used these workers to move massive cargo containers filled with goods.

Meeting every ship as it arrives in port is one of the responsibilities of those working in stevedore jobs. The stevedore assists in berthing the vessel and assembling a crew for cargo unloading. Because ships arrive and depart on irregular schedules, every port employs a stevedore who must be available 24 hours a day.

Inspection of merchandise for any damage that may have occurred at sea is a common part of stevedore jobs. He or she inspects containers and makes a permanent record of any breakage. The stevedore then organizes and supervises the safe unloading of containers from the ship’s hold once that duty is completed.

Handheld radios are commonly used a group of dockworkers to coordinate the operation of cranes and other heavy equipment. Ship cargo is transferred to trains or trucks for transport to warehouses or stores. Automobiles, pallets of food products, chemicals, or any other material that can be shipped sea could be stored in these containers.

The stevedore inspects cargo as ships prepare to leave port to ensure proper load balance. If a large load of goods shifts during bad weather, it could cause damage or injury. Stevedores secure the load with ropes and other equipment so that it can be transported safely.

The loading and unloading of cargo ships is usually overseen stevedores hired port authorities. Busier ports generate more work, which may necessitate the use of more than one person in this position to complete the task. People who work as stevedores usually do not need a college diploma, but they must obtain licenses to operate heavy machinery. Many people who enter this field enjoy working on ships and in the outdoors.

Stevedores must be able to withstand the elements, including heat, rain, and wind. Working in cargo holds in the ship’s belly is one of a stevedore’s responsibilities. People in this position must be able to work well with others and have excellent communication skills, as communication is crucial in preventing accidents during cargo container loading and unloading.