What Does a Medical Scheduler Do?

A medical scheduler creates a schedule for a medical practice or clinic balancing the needs of patients with the needs of care providers in order to fit patients in and adjust the schedule as needed to accommodate emergencies or other events. Medical schedulers work in the front office, interacting with patients in person as well as handling the office’s phone and email communications. There are no specific requirements for this position, but good interpersonal skills and computer literacy are usually preferred.

When a patient calls a doctor’s office to make an appointment, the medical scheduler gathers some basic information to determine the severity of the problem and estimate the length of time the appointment will take. Any procedures or equipment that may be required, such as an x-ray suite or a blood collection, are also noted the scheduler. With this information, the scheduler can suggest some suitable appointment times to the patient and book the appointment.

Reminder calls, emails, or cards may be sent out medical schedulers to ensure that patients are aware of their appointment times. They handle cancellations and reschedule as needed. If a patient cancels an appointment with little notice, the medical scheduler may make a note that the patient should be billed for the appointment if that is the practice’s policy. If schedules become behind due to long appointments or technical issues, the medical scheduler’s job is to get them back on track moving appointments and taking other steps as needed.

A medical scheduler may also pull paperwork and forms to prepare for appointments, as well as lay out supplies in some practices. Nurses and other technicians who prepare the clinic for the day are responsible in some cases. The scheduler is also in charge of ensuring that sufficient staff is available, as well as coordinating staff members to ensure that they are aware of the daily schedule. If a patient requires a blood draw, for example, the medical scheduler ensures that the technicians are aware of this and are prepared when the patient arrives.

Working as a medical scheduler does not require any special training, though a brief course in medical terminology and business practices can be beneficial. Previous experience in reception or public service is often beneficial to applicants, and skills such as bilingual abilities can be useful on an application. Because the medical scheduler deals with sensitive information, he or she may be required to pass a background check or sign paperwork acknowledging acceptance and understanding of the office’s privacy policies.