What does a Member Services Representative do?

A member services representative’s duties and responsibilities vary depending on the type of company he or she works for and how members are served by that company. In general, however, this type of representative works for a business that offers customers some form of membership. His or her responsibilities are usually centered on customer service, and they frequently entail listening to members’ complaints or issues and finding solutions to help them. The nature of such assistance varies, but member satisfaction is usually the goal.

A member services representative usually works for a company where customers frequently have a membership or account of some sort. Banks, for example, hire a representative to help branch members — people who have bank accounts — with credit issues or account-related questions. Someone in this position’s job entails assisting people who want to become members in setting up an account, determining the type of account that is best for them, and ensuring that members are satisfied at the end of the process.

A member services representative for a medical insurance company, on the other hand, is typically responsible for assisting customers who are members of a specific insurance program. This type of work can be done primarily over the phone, or a bank representative can work directly with members. However, the duties of this position are likely to be similar, and include answering questions for members, solving problems, and following up on actions taken to solve a problem. This representative is typically responsible for finding solutions that ensure customer satisfaction while also maintaining a company’s profit margins.

A member services representative may also be employed by a retail business. This is most common in stores with membership programs, such as large wholesale or warehouse retail establishments. To shop at and make purchases from such stores, you usually need to be a member, and establishing and maintaining these memberships is an important part of this type of business plan. In a retail setting, a member services representative may assist customers in starting their memberships, assist members with questions about membership programs or benefits, and work with management to ensure long-term membership with long-term customers.