What is a Political Cartoonist?

A political cartoonist is an artist who uses drawings and words to express her opinions. Her work can be a single panel cartoon or a comic strip with multiple panels. She may work for a daily, weekly, or monthly publication as a staff member or as a freelancer who submits her work to a variety of outlets. Her cartoons could appear in a newspaper, a magazine, or on the internet.

Since the beginning of time, this type of political commentary has been popular. Political caricatures can be found in every society, dating back to ancient times and civilizations. A political cartoonist created and drew the popular symbols associated with the two major political parties in the United States, the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey.

Although no two political cartoons are alike, the themes tend to reflect current events and news. In addition to depicting political figures, political cartoons frequently use visual metaphors to depict current events. Some of the drawings are so brief that no words are required to convey the cartoon’s message.

Unlike political pundits who express their opinions solely through words, political cartoonists can often get away with depicting stereotypes and prejudices in their comic drawings without facing the same consequences as writers. This is often attributed to the idea that drawings can be interpreted on more levels than words. There are no words in the panels of some of the most divisive political cartoons.

A well-read and open-minded political cartoonist is usually successful. Every day, she reads international news stories as part of her job. She usually presents opposing points of view in order to appeal to a broad audience. In order for her objectivity to be perceived as genuine, she keeps her personal views on world events and political figures hidden from the public.

A person who works in this field is usually outgoing and communicative. Because her work is based on the world’s ever-changing political and social climate, she relies on interaction with people from all walks of life and with a wide range of viewpoints to keep her creative well stocked. A political cartoonist must have excellent listening and memory skills.

For a job as a political cartoonist, there are no set educational requirements. It is desirable to draw talent that has been developed through formal education. Although artistic talent and acerbic wit are usually the most important attributes for success in this position, a bachelor’s degree in art, political science, or journalism may improve a job candidate’s chances for employment.