What Does a Permit Technician Do?

A permit technician’s job entails processing and distributing permits to the general public. A building permit technician, for example, assists a person in obtaining a permit for the construction of a home. While the type of permit may differ, the technician’s basic responsibilities are usually the same. These responsibilities include answering permit-related questions from the public, reviewing permit applications, issuing permits, recording applicant information, collecting funds, and training personnel.

Answering questions from the public is a big part of this job. If a person wants to build an in-ground swimming pool, for example, she should contact a permit technician first. The technician would be in charge of answering questions and informing her of all project-related rules and regulations. This can be accomplished in person, phone, or via email. As a result, a permit technician must be well-versed in a wide range of permit-related topics and be able to effectively communicate specific responses to questions.

Another important job responsibility is to review permit applications. A permit technician must carefully examine each application before issuing a permit to ensure that the proposed project complies with all laws and government regulations. At this point, he will go over all of the details with the applicant and ask any questions that are necessary. If the application does not follow the rules, it will either be rejected or action will be required to bring it into compliance. Otherwise, the permit request of the applicant is usually approved.

A permit technician will issue a permit once an applicant has been approved. Typically, he will type the applicant’s information into a computer at this point. The person’s name, address, project intent, and other details are usually included in the information recorded. This practice allows you to quickly retrieve information if you need to review it later.

After issuing a permit, a technician is also responsible for collecting funds. The amount of money required will vary depending on the type of permit issued, but he must be paid before the project can begin. He’ll also need to enter the payment into a computer program in case the applicant has any issues. He will also be the one to deposit the funds into the company’s bank account.

In addition, someone in this position will frequently be responsible for training others. Because a permit technician has a high level of expertise, he is frequently in charge of passing on that knowledge to new employees. This ensures consistency and keeps everyone on the same page.