What does a Shipfitter do?

Shipfitters, also known as shipbuilders or shipwrights, construct and repair ships. The ships could be used for armed forces defense, passenger transport, or cargo transportation. He could be employed a private company or be assigned to a military classification.

The term “shipfitter” refers to the largest group of workers in the shipbuilding and repair industry. Pipe fitters, welders, and coremakers are typically included in this category. This group of shipfitters also includes riveters, tool and die makers, caulkers, and patternmakers.

A shipfitter’s skills are typically required for all types and sizes of water-faring vessels. He could work on smaller boats and barges like towboats and tugboats that help larger ships enter port. Tankers, aircraft carriers, submarines, container ships, and icebreakers are among the ships he works on if he works for a larger shipyard.

A shipfitter creates molds and patterns for construction when a new ship is being built. The ship’s architects and drafters provide him with blueprints and schematics, which he uses to create his designs. Welders traditionally join the walls, support structures, and various parts of the ship together after he constructs them. To ensure that the welded parts are waterproof, caulkers go over them and seal the joints and seams.

A shipfitter typically uses a variety of hand and power tools. Woodworking, measuring, and attaching metal fittings, bulkheads, and plates to the ship are all things he does with these tools. The shipfitter frequently uses power saws to change the dimensions of both metal and wooden components in order to fit them into specific areas of the ship.

The majority of shipfitters who work on new ships and ship renovations report to a construction supervisor. Traditionally, the supervisor is in charge of all of the project’s workers. Everyone from the architect to the outfitter who puts the finishing touches on the vessel before it is officially launched falls into this category.

A shipfitter’s ability to work well with others is often regarded as a valuable asset. He rarely does any shipbuilding work that doesn’t require the assistance of a coworker to be useful and complete. A shipfitter’s attention to detail is usually regarded as a plus, as the minute details of his job frequently affect a vessel’s seaworthiness.

In most cases, no formal education is required for this position. Apprenticeships in the shipbuilding industry or other trades are common for shipfitters. A large number of shipfitters receive training while serving in the military.