What is a Panel Interview?

A panel interview is a type of interview in which several people interview a job candidate at the same time. Department heads, people from related departments, supervisors, and even owners or vice presidents may be interviewed. A panel interview is frequently used as part of a multi-step interview process, and it may take place after a few one-on-one interviews have gone well.

Panel interviews are notorious for being tense. If sitting through an interview with a single potential employee is difficult enough, having a room full of executives staring at and questioning a nervous job candidate can be downright terrifying for some. Panel interviews are a great way for both the candidate and the employer to get a sense of each other. While interviewers can get a sense of the candidate’s personality, a keen candidate can also pick up on cues about the organization’s working relationships and group dynamics.

During a panel interview, interviewers must avoid making the candidate feel overwhelmed. In general, an employer wants to get a sense of an applicant’s true personality and skills, not just how he or she performs during a tense interview. Some panels include a list of prepared questions for each candidate so that they do not repeat each other’s questions. It’s also a good idea to appoint a single person to serve as the panel’s chair or leader, so that the process runs smoothly.

Observing panel interviewers have a unique opportunity to pay close attention to the candidates’ responses and demeanor while others are asking questions. Observing someone’s body language can reveal a lot about their personality. Though experts suggest that key factors such as eye contact, body position, and voice tone can be very telling, mannerisms should not always be taken as absolute truth. Observed behavioral cues in a panel interview can go a long way toward forming a cohesive opinion about the applicant’s suitability, depending on the available job.

A panel interview is similar to playing ping-pong with six opponents at once for applicants. While speaking or responding, it is critical to distribute your attention evenly throughout the room. Many experts recommend that you make eye contact with everyone and that you address your responses to the person who asked the question. Shake hands or exchange equal farewells with all panelists when the interview is finished. One person who feels slighted or ignored could mean the difference between landing a job and missing out on an opportunity.