How Do I Get a Beautician License?

Obtaining a beautician license is entirely dependent on where you live. Individual states and provinces in the United States and Canada set licensing requirements. Participation in an approved beauty school or cosmetology course, as well as passing a standardized licensing exam, are usually required. Some states and provinces require certification in all areas of hair, skin, and nail care, while others only require certification in one. Working as a beautician is not required in the United Kingdom or Australia, though private certifications are usually available on an elective basis.

The practice of beautician and cosmetology services is strictly regulated in both the United States and Canada. You must first meet a set of jurisdiction-specific requirements in order to work in a hair salon, provide manicures, or work at a spa in these countries. State and provincial requirements vary, but most include both education and passing an exam.

Obtaining a beautician license requires extensive education. Beauty school, also known as cosmetology school, is typically offered as a trade program that does not require a university diploma. Some programs are taught directly in salons or private educational facilities, while others are taught on academic campuses, often through community colleges. Typically, classes combine classroom learning with hands-on experience.

You must generally take a course that is approved or credentialed your state or province in order to qualify for a beautician license. The majority of programs are approved, but some are not, particularly those that are only available online. Before enrolling in a course, double-check with your local regulatory board to ensure that it will qualify you for a beautician license upon completion.

You may be required to obtain a full beautician license, which allows you to perform a variety of cosmetology procedures such as hair, makeup, nail, and skin services, depending on local laws. Other jurisdictions only allow candidates to be licensed as beauticians in specific areas. To get your beautician license, you’ll almost always have to take a written exam. Licenses are typically only valid for a few years — two to five in most cases — but they are renewable. Renewal can be as simple as paying a fee, but it frequently necessitates proof of hours worked or additional educational or training credits.

In the United Kingdom and Australia, becoming a beautician is generally much easier. Professionals often choose to self-certify taking nationally recognized exams in these countries because there are no licensing requirements. Passing these exams does not entitle you to a cosmetology license, but it is a way for professionals to differentiate themselves in the workplace.